My Musical Equipment Closet

An opinionated collecton of short reviews of saxophones and woodwinds and the accessories which they require.

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Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

"Other cultures are not failed attempts at being us. They are all unique manifestations of the human imagination and the human heart." Wade Davis

Friday, January 26, 2007

Tom Scott Sightings at NAMM

Here's a picture of Tom Scott playing the new SG Baritone Sax at winter NAMM last week, when we were having our little ice storm here in central Texas.

Steve Goodson told me that Tom's warm-up was like listening to a seminar in how to play the baritone saxophone. Everyone at the booth was slack-jawed. An incredible new horn in the hands of a master player . . . it doesn't get better than this!

Tom Scott has been leaving me slack-jawed since I was just a lad (and so was he, as he's only a couple years older than I am.) I first heard him with Don Ellis' big band (and it was enormous). I don't think he needed to shave then, but he sure had an unlimited supply of ideas, which he's been adding to ever since.

I have a little podcast-format blog dedicated to something I really dig that was done about 10 years after the Don Ellis days. Patrick Williams' recording called Threshold is just not available at any price. Tom plays all the woodwind parts, including some incredible solos on piccolo, tenor saxophone, and saxello. Go to this link to hear these cuts.


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